IFC for Rail ontology is being developed by Building Smart as a OpenBIM standardWe are working towards a collaboration with Building Smart to use IFC as the ‘master framework’ for our BIM, AIM and Digital Twin and extend this ontology to address national needs and ways of working. |
IFC Rail Phase 1 Final Report |
Requirement Analysis Report |
Abstract |
Conceptual Model Report |
Context & Approach (Readme file) |
Data Requirement Report |
IR-CS-WP2-UML_Model_Report_Part 4_Railway.pdf (local) |
Data Dictionary | BSDD IFC Search: |
2.1 | TRACK |
2.1.1 |
| Ballast bed | Consists of broken stones which are called ballast. Main purpose: ensures stability of track, transfers forces from sleepers to substructure and allows to readjust the track geometry according to the correct alignment. Wear and dirt reduce stability. | |||
2.1.2 |
| Ballast bed strengthening | Structural elements which are usually applied to the sides of ballast bed. Reinforces the cross-resistance of the superstructure. Can also be ballast bonding or similar. | |||
2.1.3 |
| Banquet element | Usually at ballast level. Outside of structure gauge. Function: walkway, service path. Access to track. | |||
2.1.4 |
| Bias loaded inspector | Equipment installed on track to inspect whether the load of vehicles is biased. | |||
2.1.5 |
| Blade | Movable machined rail often of special section, but fixed and/or joined at the heel end to a rail to provide continuity of wheel support. "Half set of blades" is composed of one blade and one stock rail. Only replaceable as one unit during railway maintenance. Where blade or stock rail can be replaced separately (i.e.Metro) the objects are assigned as "blade elementary" and "stock rail elementary" in the conceptual model. | |||
2.1.6 |
| Blocking device | Equipment installed on classification yard (also named as shunting yard) to block rolling vehicles. | |||
2.1.7 |
| Bonded joint | Transition between two neighbouring running rails. Electrically connected. Used for Continuous Welded Rails (CWR). Inhomogeneity in the supporting strength of the running rail (longitudinal, vertical and lateralforces). Inhomogeneity in the stability of the track panel. Origin of noise emissions. | |||
2.1.8 |
| Bumper | Buffer, object at end of track. Function: prevents driving over; can be fixed on rails or the track panel - Can also be a natural element (rock, sand). | |||
2.1.9 |
| Cess between rails | Covering between rails for internal maintenance purposes. Can be walked on. Situated in the track. Not public. | |||
2.1.10 |
| Check Rail | Rail laid close to gauge face of a running rail which does not carry a railway wheel but ensures, by guidance of the wheel, the safe passage of both wheels of the axle through small radius curves, turnouts, crossings by not allowing the flange of either wheel to ride up over the running surface of the running rails. | |||
2.1.11 |
| Controllable retarder | Equipment installed on classification yard (also named as shunting yard) to regulate the speed of rolling vehicles. | |||
2.1.12 |
| Dilatation panel | Sliding transition in the longitudinal direction between two neighbouring running rails. Device which permits longitudinal relative rail movement of two adjacent rails (i.e. due to themical expansion forces), while maintaining correct guidance and support. Electrically connected Inhomogeneity in the supporting strength of the running rail (longitudinal and lateral forces) Inhomogeneity in the stability of the track panel Special design with reinforcing elements in the track panel | |||
2.1.13 |
| Dilatation superstructure | Dilatation superstructure is one subtype of track part with Dilatation panel. | |||
2.1.14 |
| Earth mat | Located between the ballast bed and the top foundation layer. Not necessarily required. Often used to control the elasticity of the whole track and prevents the ballast fast degradation (if there is a hard subgrade). | |||
2.1.15 | RTR_OT_TR-540 | Earthing Terminal | Object used for earthing. Installed in track slab or concrete slab. Welded to reinforcing bar in track slab or concrete slab. | |||
2.1.16 | RTR_OT_TR-330 | Embedded track for traffic | Tracks recessed into road surface. Superstructure type usually specific (slab track/grooved rail). Covering can be driven on in all directions. Usually used in public areas. Combined drainage systems normally used. | |||
2.1.17 | RTR_OT_TR-480 | Emergency fish plate | A temporary joint with fishplate for safty reason i.e. to prevent rail breakage in case of damage on rail running surface or within the rail. | |||
2.1.18 | RTR_OT_TR-120 | Fastening | Assembly of components which secures a rail to the supporting structure and retains it in the required position whilst permitting any necessary vertical, lateral and longitudinal movement. Essential for stability of the track panel. Absorbes the shear forces from the rail. Depending on the construction type the different effects regarding vertical and horizontal forces. Proper contact prevents dynamic impacts on the track pannel (e.g. hits from the rail to the sleepers or risk of losing holding force in the sleepers due to dynamic loads from the trafficloads (hole bearing etc.) Note: The major part of the vertical force absorbtion happended throught a direct contact of the rail an the track slab (fastening on the sleeper) or to the sleeper itself (depending on the type) | |||
2.1.19 |
| Frog | Arrangement ensuring the intersection of two opposite running edges of turnouts or diamond crossings having crossing vees (single or double) and wing rails. Direct contact with wheel (with running surface and wheel flange depending on the design) | |||
2.1.20 |
| Gauge tie rod | Device to ensure rail distance for simple track panel. Can assure the function of a rail fastening or a sleeper. Often used at build conditions oder in temporary solutions. Also popular in forms of construction for driveable surfaces (e.g. tramways). | |||
2.1.21 |
| Guard Rail | Non-running rail mounted either inside or outside the running rail to protect vehicle, bridge, viaduct and other structures in the event of a derailment. | |||
2.1.22 |
| Half set of blades | "Half set of blades" is composed of one blade and one stock rail. Only replaceable as one unit during railway maintenance. It is right or left hand as seen by an observer in the centre of the track facing the turnout heel from the turnout toe. Function: change the direction. | |||
2.1.23 |
| Hollow sleeper | Special type of sleeper. Contains technical equipment (e.g. safety installations) Protects equipment elements (e.g. turnout-setting mechanisms) Allows equipment (e.g. cables) to safely run across the track panel Limited absorption of force from running rail (via rail fastenings) Limited dissipation of vertical load into ballast or supporting plate Limited dissipation of longitudinal and lateral forces caused by friction/dovetailing (ballast) or supporting plate (slab track) Can also be installed between normal sleepers. | |||
2.1.24 |
| Insulated joint | Transition between two neighbouring rails. Electrically insulated for use of track circuits (incl. return electric traction circuit) Usage has relevance for operations. Used for Continuous Welded Rails (CWR). Inhomogeneity in the supporting strength of the running rail (longitudinal, vertical and lateralforces). Inhomogeneity in the stability of the track panel. Origin of noise emissions. | |||
2.1.25 |
| Insulated joint with fish plate | Transition between two neighbouring running rails but in not continuous rail zone. Electrically insulated. Used for jointed track. Inhomogeneity in the supporting strength of the running rail (longitudinal, lateral and vertical forces). Inhomogeneity in the stability of the track panel. The gap between the rails is the origin of noise emissions. | |||
2.1.26 |
| Lubrication | Prevent wearing of the rails throught the flange of wheel. Reduce noise emissions. Often located at inner side of the outer rail in a curve or near turnouts (depends from function wearing or noise reduction) | |||
2.1.27 |
| Not Insulated joint with fish plate | Transition between two neighbouring running rails. Electrically connected. Used for jointed track. Inhomogeneity in the supporting strength of the running rail (longitudinal, lateral and verticalforces). Inhomogeneity in the stability of the track panel. The gap between the rails is the origin of noise emissions. | |||
2.1.28 |
| Panel strengthening | Used in transitions of diffrent types of superstructure (e.g. from ballast to slab track or bridges/tunnels with diffrent stiffness in the substructure). Distributes the dynamic load peaks. Improves stability and minimize shocks on the substructure. | |||
2.1.29 |
| Plain track super structure | Plain track super structure is one subtype of track part without turnout panel or dilatation panel. | |||
2.1.30 |
| Rack-rail | Building module for enhancing traction and break performance (mountains) Reinforces the track panel. Located centrical in the track panel on the rail axes. (Formerly also known as "Rack". | |||
2.1.31 |
| Rail | Absorption of force in the wheel/rail system (running surface and wheel flange), hunting oscillation Distribution of force in the longitudinal direction (static and dynamic traffic loads) Absorption of force in the longitudinal direction (temperature) In case of a Switch: Special components are modeled seperately. Depending from location/panel function: differnet specifications are possible (eg Wing rail) | |||
2.1.32 |
| Rail brace | Device to prevent rails from tipping and twisting. Ensures track spacing between two running rails. | |||
2.1.33 |
| Rail-pads | Non-metallic pad placed between rail and baseplate or rail and sleeper, bearer or slab. Frequent replacemets are necessary. Absorbing shocks and reduce vibrations in the rail (leads to a better wheel-rail contact). Reduce damages to the rail, wearing and noise issues. Often used on heavy-load routes and/or curves. | |||
2.1.34 | RTR_OT_TR-340 | Railway crossing | Railway crossing covering for roads (secured/unsecured). Superstructure type also possible with ballast. Covering can be driven on in the transverse direction. Usually used in public areas. Often entails changes to the stiffness of the superstructure/substructure. | |||
2.1.35 |
| Sleeper | Transverse components of the track which control the gauge and transmit loads from the rail to the ballast or other sleeper support. Dissipation of longitudinal and lateral forces caused by friction/dovetailing (ballast) or supporting plate (slab track). When it's used for turnouts and crossings, it's also called "bearer". Often a special sleeper spacing is used under joints (i.e. insulated joint). | |||
2.1.36 | RTR_OT_TR-180 | Sleeper Cap | Main function: Increasing the lateral stability (Often used in low radius curves in the case of continuous welded rail.) Dovetailed with ballast. Assigned to a sleeper. | |||
2.1.37 | RTR_OT_TR-150 | Sliding chair | Part which supports and retains the stock rail and a flat surface upon which the foot of the switch rail slides. Only used in turnouts. Different types of construction (rollsbearing plates, lubricated or dry-running). | |||
2.1.38 |
| Sound absorption | Components in the track for sound absorption. May also absorb vibrations. Not included noise barriers at track side. Often used in combination with slab track. | |||
2.1.39 |
| Speed regulator | Equipment installed on railway hump and classification yard (also named as shunting yard) to regulate the speed of rolling vehicles. | |||
2.1.40 |
| Spring-Damping system | Elastic elements are inserted between the superstructure (track and plate on slab track or ballast bed with ballast inserted in) and concrete structure (tunnelbridge or others). Some of the elastic elements have a partial decoupling effect between the superstructure and underground due to vibrations. Both helical springs and elastomer blocks or elastomer strips can be used as suspension systems. | |||
2.1.41 | RTR_OT_TR-450 | Stock rail | Fixed machined rail, ensuring the continuity on the main or diverging track with the switch in the open position. The machined part of the stock rail supports its switch rail in the closed position giving continuity of line through this switch rail. "Half set of blades" is composed of one blade and one stock rail. Only replaceable as one unit during railway maintenance. Where blade or stock rail can be replaced separately (i.e.Metro) the objects are assigned as "blade elementary" and "stock rail elementary" in the conceptual model. | |||
2.1.42 | RTR_OT_TR-520 | Track Adjustment Layer | Track adjustment layer is a concrete layer or mortar layer cast or paved in-situ, which is used for supporting track slabs or track concrete slabs. Track adjustment layer shall only appear in ballastless track structures. | |||
2.1.43 | RTR_OT_TR-530 | Track Base | Concrete base is a kind of reinforced foundation cast in-situ, which is used for supporting track slabs or track concrete slabs. Concrete base shall only appear in ballastless track structures. | |||
2.1.44 |
| Track Elastic Cushion | Track elastic cushion is a kind of layer set on grooved sides of a concrete base, which is used for mitigating the impact of longitudinal and lateral load on track structures. Track elastic cushion shall only appear in ballastless track structures. | |||
2.1.45 | RTR_OT_TR-500 | Track Isolation Layer | Track isolation layer is a structure layer placed on top surface of track bases. It may implement functions of damage repair of track superstructure under special circumstances and coordinate temperature deformation. Track isolation layer shall only appear in ballastless track structures. | |||
2.1.46 |
| Track concrete slab | Track concrete slab is an integral reinforced concrete layer cast in-situ, in which bi-block sleepers, concrete turnout sleepers or other sleepers are embedded. Track concrete slab shall only appear in ballastless track structures. | |||
2.1.47 | RTR_OT_TR-400 | Track element at end of alignment | Alignment stop Special functional installations such as axle-gauge changeover point; transporter wagon loading point. | |||
2.1.48 | RTR_OT_TR-1010 | Track panel | The track panel is a functional view made up of the running rail, rail fastening and sleeper. One property of the track panel is that the components are permanently assembled and cannot be moved independently. The track panel as a whole absorbs and transfers the forces into the superstructure. This may consist of a ballast bed or a slab track. In extreme cases (on simple railways), the track panel may lie on bare soil. The track panel follows the routing in 3D space. It is uniquely identified by the track centre (routing/alignment) and the track centre's characteristics. It runs in the centre between the upper edges of the running rail. The track panel therefore has parameters regarding the horizontal and vertical routing and also carries information regarding cant. In processes, the track panel is often considered as one unit not just when planning for projects but also as part of numerous superstructure maintenance measures. A track panel may consist of the following object types but does not necessarily have to have all of them according to the conceptual model:-
| |||
2.1.49 | RTR_OT_TR-1005 | Track part | Track part is the basic volume object for all objects of track superstructure. It refers to a segment of track system engineering which is part of the track system and has a unique structural type and functional type. | |||
2.1.50 | RTR_OT_TR-430 | Track reference marker | Generally bolts which are firmly fixed to permanent components such as foundations, platform edges or civil engineering structures. Their position and elevation are known to thenearest mm (planar, x/y/z coordinates). Serve as a reference for inspecting or ensuring (e.g. by mechanical tamper) the ideal location and elevation of the track panel and other installation elements. Serve to hold technical measuring elements (e.g. prism mirrors) | |||
2.1.51 | RTR_OT_TR-590 | Track scale | Equipment installed on track of freight yard to measure the weight of vehicles. | |||
2.1.52 | RTR_OT_TR-230 | Track slab | Track slab is prefabricated reinforced concrete slab or prestressed reinforced concrete slab, which is a main element of slab track. It transfers the load from rails and fastenings to sub-structures uniformly and longitudinal and lateral load of track structures to displacement-stopping structures. Track Slab shall only appear in ballastless track structures. The line where install track slab provide the place for installing fastening system. No sleeperis needed. | |||
2.1.53 | RTR_OT_TR-1000 | Track system | Track System refers to a functional track with the explicit terminals. It refers a continuous sequence of track parts. | |||
2.1.54 | RTR_OT_TR-1020 | Turnout panel | Like the track panel, the turnout panel is a functional view made up of the running rail, rail fastening and sleeper. Turnout panels also include specific turnout objects such as frogs, check rail, half set of blades etc. One property of the turnout panel is that the components are permanently assembled and cannot be moved independently. Often, "turnout panels" are even supplied and installed as a single unit. The turnout panel as a whole absorbs and transfers the forces into the superstructure. This may consist of ballast or a slab track. In extreme cases (on simple railways) the turnout panel may lie on bare soil. The internal geometric restrictions on turnout between the tip of the turnout and the last continuous sleeper (no bends, curvatures etc.) must be taken into account for the Placement of the objects. The turnout panel follows the routing in 3D space. It is uniquely identified by the track centre and the track centre's characteristics. It runs in the centre between the upper edges of the running rail. The turnout panel therefore has parameters regarding the horizontal and vertical routing and also carries information regarding cant. In processes the turnout panel is often considered one unit, not just when planning for projects from a topological point of view but also as part of numerous superstructure upgrade measures. The turnout panel has an internal reference system which is recorded in the "Installation plan". The entire rail system is defined as a seamless sequence of track and turnout panels which follows the topology and routing. | |||
2.1.55 | RTR_OT_TR-1007 | Turnout superstructure | Turnout superstructure is one subtype of track part with turnout panel. | |||
2.1.56 | RTR_OT_TR-80 | Welded joint | Continuous transition between two neighbouring running rails. Electrically connected. Special quality requirements for ensuring the continuous supporting strength of the running rail (primarily temperature fluctuations in the continuously welded track). |
2.2.1 |
| Axle counting equipment | System using counting points with a wheel detector and a counter which detects the occupancy of a section of track by comparing the number of axles which enter the section with the number of axles which leave the section parity of the numbers being necessary to give a clear indication. | |||
2.2.2 |
| Balise | Apparatus in the track by means of which data are transmitted to a train to update the train borne automatic protection equipment regarding the track and signal conditions of the lineahead. | |||
2.2.3 |
| Battery | A device that stores and releases electrical energy. When charging, electrical energy can be converted into chemical energy and when discharging, chemical energy can be converted into electrical energy to power the load equipment. | |||
2.2.4 |
| Box | 1. Housing for placing equipment/objects and and having protective functions. 2. It is used to place outdoor signal devices/objects and realize wiring electrical connection and protection of the device (with certain protection functions) | |||
2.2.5 |
| Cabinet | The equipment cabinet is usually made of cold-rolled steel or alloy for storing computer and related control equipment and provides protection against electromagnetic interference. | |||
2.2.6 |
| Cable and Wire | A cable segment is a flow segment used to carry electrical power, data, or telecommunications signals. A cable segment is used to typically join two sections of an electrical network or a network of components carrying the electrical service. | |||
2.2.7 |
| Crocodile | Component of a train protection system. It is an electrical contact placed between the rails which in case of a danger situation may cause a warning horn to beep in the driver's cab. | |||
2.2.8 |
| Derailer | Fixed device which, when placed on the rail, derails the wheels of a vehicle and serves to protect a converging line. | |||
2.2.9 |
| Detector | Generic element for all kind of sensors which detect e. g. the passage of a wheel, falling rocks, strong wind etc. | |||
2.2.10 |
| External locking device |
| |||
2.2.11 |
| Fixing | Physical structure that supports equipment (e. g. signal frames as components of a signal the foundation of signalling equipment. | |||
2.2.12 |
| Full Electronic Execution Unit | Full-electronic execution unit is the execution and expression circuit of Computer based Interlocking which is composed of different electronic modules with different functions. e.g. signal module turnout module etc. | |||
2.2.13 |
| Impedance transformer | In the AC electrified section track circuit, the impedance transformer makes the traction current cross the rail insulation and connects the track circuit transmitting and receiving equipment to the rail by transformer coupling. It is installed at the connection between the traction backflow and the rail used to conduct the traction current and balance the traction current of the up and down track circuit so that the traction current circuit and track signal circuit form a conducting circuit respectively and do not interfere with each other. | |||
2.2.14 |
| Induction loop | Equipment for detection of the presence of a vehicle where a cable in the form of a loop between the rails, energized by alternating current derived from a local generator detects the metallic mass of a vehicle by its influence on the field of the loop, in order to provide an electric signal. | |||
2.2.15 |
| Input/Output device of track circuit | e.g. Track circuit receiver Track circuit transmitter | |||
2.2.16 |
| Insulating joint | It is set at the boundary of a track circuit to achieve electrical insulation with an adjacent rail. It can be "mechanical" insulation or "electrical" insulation. | |||
2.2.17 |
| Level Crossing Equipment | A level crossing is an intersection where a railway line crosses a road or path at the same level. The purpose of LCSE is to prevent vehicles or pedestrians from crossing the railway after the train has been notified. It includes: LC Traffic signal, LC Traffic sign, LC Barrier, LC Engine, Obstacle detector, etc. | |||
2.2.18 |
| Local operation device | Installation providing push buttons, indicators and switching devices, lever for local operation. | |||
2.2.19 |
| Lock | Mechanical device to fix an element (point, derailer, level crossing) in a certain position. | |||
2.2.20 |
| Lock combination | Mechanical device for release of several dependent keys by a main key. | |||
2.2.21 |
| Lockable device release | Electro-mechanical device related to the interlocking to include locally operated elements. The lockable device release checks the presence of a key and releases the key by command. | |||
2.2.22 |
| Marker (Sign) | A sign on the side of a rail track that provides information for driver and staff. | |||
2.2.23 |
| Passive electronic component of track circuit | Generic passive two-terminal electronic component. e.g. Tuning & matching unit, Outdoor Compensation capacitor, Impedance transformer. | |||
2.2.24 |
| Point closure detector | device checking the position of a blade. | |||
2.2.25 |
| Point machine | The point machine is a device that can switch and lock the turnout and indicate its position. | |||
2.2.26 |
| Point machine mounting device | A device used to install a point machine and to connect the point machine to a turnoutcomponents (to fix the point machine and connect it to the turnout) | |||
2.2.27 |
| Railway detonator | Explosive capsule placed on the rail to give an audible danger signal to driver. | |||
2.2.28 |
| Relay | 1. It is an electromagnetic device that is remotely or automatically controlled to switch on the state of the circuit and converting other devices (such as converters, current circuit breakers) in the same circuit or different circuits. 2. Relays are usually used in automated control circuits. They are actually "automatic switches" that use small currents to control the operation of large currents. It can control multiple loops and multiple control objects, and can also control remote objects. It plays the role of automatic regulation, security protection, conversion circuit and so on in the circuit. | |||
2.2.29 |
| Signal | Apparatus by means of which a conventional indication is given. | |||
2.2.30 |
| Signal aspect | Single information shown to the train driver. | |||
2.2.31 |
| Signal frame | Trackside component most often part of a signal that sends a message to the driver. | |||
2.2.32 |
| Track Circuit | Electric circuit of which the rails of a track section form a part, with usually a source of current connected at one end and a detection device at the other end for detecting whether this track section is clear or occupied by a vehicle. In a continuous signalling system, the track circuit can be used to transmit information between the ground and the train. | |||
2.2.33 |
| Trackside vehicle barring devices | Device stopping any accidental vehicle movement. | |||
2.2.34 |
| Trackside vehicle braking devices | A train stop is a set of pneumatic, mechanical or electric components causing a breaking in the case the train is passing at danger. | |||
2.2.35 |
| Transformer | A transformer is an inductance device that transfers electric energy from one circuit to another. It is used for voltage transformation, current change, impedance transformation, isolation, voltage regulation and so on. | |||
2.2.36 |
| Turnout heating | A series of devices used to remove snow from railways. E.g. electric heating device, sensor of rail temperature, eelectric control cabinet, isolating transformer etc. | |||
2.2.37 |
| UPS | Uninterruptible power supply refers to the power supply equipment which will not be interrupted due to short power outages, and can always supply high-quality power, and effectively protect precision instruments. It provides continuous, stable and uninterrupted power supply for load equipment. |
2.3 | TELECOMS |
2.3.1 | RTC_OT_ABSTO | Abs_Telecom object | A general telecom object with some general property groups, which can be inherited by its sub-classes. |
2.3.2 | RTC_OT_AP | Access point | In a network, a point at which wireless devices may connect to the network. Access point allows a Wi-Fi device to connect to a wired network. |
2.3.3 | RTC_OT_ANE | Anemometrograph | Device used to measure wind speed and direction. |
2.3.4 | RTC_OT_ANT | Antenna | Antenna is a device that effectively radiates or receives electromagnetic waves, coupling a transmission line to space or other media. |
2.3.5 | RTC_OT_AG | Automatic gate | An equipment for ticket inspection and processing. Passengers are allowed or forbidden to pass according to the validity of tickets. |
2.3.6 | RTC_OT_BTS | Base transceiver station | Base transceiver station (BTS) is a network component which serves one cell. It completes the conversion between BSC and wireless channel and realize the wireless transmission and related control functions between BSC and MS through the air interface. BTS has the functions of rate matching, channel coding/decoding, modulation/demodulation and other air interface physical layer. |
2.3.7 | RTC_OT_BBU | Baseband unit | A component of a distributed base station for implementing baseband processing functions. |
2.3.8 | RTC_OT_CABLE | Cable | This class collects all the objects which describe type of cables, containing either fiber or copper wire used in telecom or power supply systems. Always contained in a linearly placed object, thus it is generally positioned with respect to local reference. |
2.3.9 | RTC_OT_CFIT | Cable fitting | Installed in a rack, used for arranging the wires. |
2.3.10 | RTC_OT_CABAC | Cabling accessory | This class collects all the required accessories in cabling work. |
2.3.11 | RTC_OT_CLO | Closure | Box to contain a cable junction, a component for the uninterrupted connection of two pipes or cables. |
2.3.12 | RTC_OT_COAX | Coaxial cable | Coaxial cable, a subtype of copper cable, is a copper cable with a variable number of copper coaxial pair conductors used to transmit data by means of electrical signals, especially at radio frequency. |
2.3.13 | RTC_OT_COMITF | Communication interface | An interface of an active telecom equipment, used for data input or output. It is a subtype ofconnection interface. |
2.3.14 | RTC_OT_CON | Connector | Mechanical connector used to couple two cable endpoints, or to connect a cable endpoint to an equipment port. It is the supertype of telecom connector. |
2.3.15 | RTC_OT_COPCAB | Copper cable | Copper cable is a subtype of telecom cable, with a variable number of copper coaxial conductors or pair conductors used to transmit data by means of electrical signals. |
2.3.16 | RTC_OT_COPCON | Copper connector | Mechanical connector used to terminate a wire pair end point so as to allow mechanical connection to another connectorized wire pair end point or to a connectorized telecomequipment port. It can realize electric coupling between two wire pair endpoints. |
2.3.17 | RTC_OT_COPPC | Copper patch cord | Copper patch cord, a subtype of copper cable, is a copper cable capped at either end with copper connectors that allow it to be rapidly and conveniently connected to other cable or to distribution panels. |
2.3.18 | RTC_OT_COPSPCAB | Copper symmetric pair cable | Telecom copper symmetric pair cable, a subtype of copper cable is a copper cable with a variable number of copper twisted symmetric pair conductors used to transmit data by means of electrical signals. |
2.3.19 | RTC_OT_DTU | Data transmission unit | Device used to transfer data to on-site control unit, which can be fixed near the rain gauge, snow depth meter, foreign object dual power network sensor or earthquake accelerometer. The data are amplified and modulated and then sent to the on-site unit. |
2.3.20 | RTC_OT_DCONS | Desktop console | A desktop terminal equipment used by railway dispatching system, mainly realizing dispatching voice communication. |
2.3.21 | RTC_OT_DF | Distribution frame | Distribution frame is used to interconnect and manage wiring between active equipment and subscriber. |
2.3.22 | RTC_OT_DPORT | Distribution port | Port of distribution frame. |
2.3.23 | RTC_OT_DUC | Duct | A concrete/metallic/plastic duct that contains tubes and/or cables. |
2.3.24 | RTC_OT_eNB | E-utran node B | An eNB is a logical network component which serves one or more E-UTRAN cells. It is the hardware connected to the EPC (Evolved Packet Core), more specifically to the MME (Mobility Management Entity), which communicates directly with UEs (User Equipment) in wireless way. On the basis of the original functions of Node B, eNB added the physical layer, MAC layer, RRC, scheduling, access control, load bearing control, mobility management and wireless resource management of adjacent cells of RNC, providing functions equivalent to the original RLC/MAC/PHY and RRC layer. |
2.3.25 | RTC_OT_EA | Earthquake accelerometer | Device used to detect the seismic wave and measure the seismic intensity in case of earthquake. |
2.3.26 | RTC_OT_EQAZONE | Equipment access zone | Space that allows to access to the equipment. It is defined by the side, top, rear and front access zones. |
2.3.27 | RTC_OT_FANO | Fan out | Provide a safe transition from multi-fiber cable units to individual fibers. |
2.3.28 | RTC_OT_FED | Feeder | Feeder is the radio-frequency transmission line interconnecting an antenna and a transmitteror receiver, it is a subtype of coaxial cable. |
2.3.29 | RTC_OT_FIB | Fiber | Optical fiber is used in telecommunication systems to transmit data by means of optical signals. |
2.3.30 | RTC_OT_FEP | Fiber endpoint | The termination point of an optical fiber. Each optical fiber has two termination points. |
2.3.31 | RTC_OT_FTU | Fiber tube | A very small radius, semi-rigid hollow plastic tube that houses and protects a certain number of optical fibers. An optical fiber cable may contain many loose fiber tubes. |
2.3.32 | RTC_OT_FOS | Foreign object dual power network sensor | Device which can alarm when foreign objects shock and break the dual power network. |
2.3.33 | RTC_OT_FSPORT | Front side port | The front side port of the distribution frame. |
2.3.34 | RTC_OT_GUT | Gutter | Metallic or plastic support for passing cables. |
2.3.35 | RTC_OT_IPN | IP network equipment | Generic IP network equipment can represent all kind of IP network equipment, which provide IP data transmission channel for telecom subsystems or other subsystems e.g., routers, network switches or firewalls. |
2.3.36 | RTC_OT_IP | Intelligent peripheral | Under the control of SCP, IP offers a variety of specialized resources according to the corresponding service logical program. And these resources contain the receiver of DTMF(Dual-Tone Multi-Frequency, signal generator, record notice, etc. IP provides dedicated resource functions in the intelligent network, allocates, controls and manages various dedicated resources, communicates with other entities in the network, and completes SRF resource functions as well as the maintenance, management and statistics functions of resources. |
2.3.37 | RTC_OT_LCX | Leaky coaxial cable | Leaky coaxial cable is a coaxial cable whose outer conductor is not completely closed, it is a subtype of coaxial cable. Part of the electromagnetic energy transmitted along the cable can be radiated or coupled to a wireless transmission system consisting of the outer conductor and the surrounding environment through a slot or gap on the outer conductor or in the opposite direction as mentioned above. |
2.3.38 | RTC_OT_MAH | Manhole | Concrete covered opening used to install cable junctions or reserve cable. |
2.3.39 | RTC_OT_MU | Master unit | A component of a repeater for coupling base station signals. |
2.3.40 | RTC_OT_MOD | Modem | Modem is a device that converts data into a format suitable for a transmission medium which can be copper cables or optical fibers. |
2.3.41 | RTC_OT_OCU | On-site control unit | Device used to receive monitoring data from data transmission unit and send the monitoring data to central system, usually located in telecom equipment room. |
2.3.42 | RTC_OT_OADP | Optical adapter | Optical adapter is used to convert one type of optical port to another type of optical port. |
2.3.43 | RTC_OT_OFC | Optical fiber cable | Cable containing a variable number of optical fibers. |
2.3.44 | RTC_OT_OFCON | Optical fiber connector | Mechanical connector used to terminate a fiber end point so as to allow mechanical connection to another connectorized fiber end point or to a connectorized telecom equipmentport. |
2.3.45 | RTC_OT_OFPTC | Optical fiber patch cord | Optical fiber patch cord, a subtype of optical fiber cable, is an optical fiber cable capped at either end with connectors that allow it to be rapidly and conveniently connected to other cable or to distribution panels. |
2.3.46 | RTC_OT_ONU | Optical network unit | A kind of optical transmission network connection equipment which is installed at user side. |
2.3.47 | RTC_OT_OPTL | Optical pigtail | Optical pigtail, a subtype of optical fiber cable, is a specific hardware connection used forcable termination. On a fiber pigtail, one end of the wire is simply exposed fiber and the other end has a pre-installed connector on it. Fiber pigtails are commonly spliced onto individual strands of a multi-fiber trunk cable. |
2.3.48 | RTC_OT_OSP | Optical splitter | A passive device used to split the optical signal. |
2.3.49 | RTC_OT_POL | Pole | Metallic or concrete pole used to hold up cables or antennas. |
2.3.50 | RTC_OT_PSITF | Power supply interface | Power supply interface of a telecom active equipment, using which the equipment can be powered through power supply cables. |
2.3.51 | RTC_OT_PSPORT | Power supply port | A subtype of power supply interface. |
2.3.52 | RTC_OT_RACK | Rack | Metal frame container for equipment. |
2.3.53 | RTC_OT_RSIV | Railway self service identity verification gate | Railway Self-service Identity Verification Gate: An equipment for consistency check of tickets, id card and face image. Passengers are allowed or forbid to pass according to the check result. |
2.3.54 | RTC_OT_RG | Rain gauge | Device used to collect and indicate rainfall related information. |
2.3.55 | RTC_OT_RSPORT | Rear side port | The rear side port of the distribution frame. |
2.3.56 | RTC_OT_REC | Recording equipment | Records telephone calls between the railway telephony operators. It also provides the function of archiving and immediate replay. It can support the IP, SIP and RTP protocols. |
2.3.57 | RTC_OT_RRU | Remote radio unit | A component of a distributed base station that converts digital baseband signals into highfrequency (rf) signals and sends high-frequency (rf) signals to the antenna for radiation. |
2.3.58 | RTC_OT_RU | Remote unit | Remote unit is used to amplify a base station signal. |
2.3.59 | RTC_OT_SENSOR | Sensor | Supertype of all different kinds of sensors, collecting different kinds of information. |
2.3.60 | RTC_OT_SDM | Snow depth meter | Device used to measure the depth of snowfall. |
2.3.61 | RTC_OT_SRAC | Subrack | Part of a rack. |
2.3.62 | RTC_OT_TAEQ | Telecom active equipment | This class regroups all the telecommunication equipment that must be powered in order tobe able to function. |
2.3.63 | RTC_OT_TCAB | Telecom cable | Cable containing either fiber or copper wire used to transmit telecom signals, this class is a supertype of optical fiber cable and copper cable. |
2.3.64 | RTC_OT_TCON | Telecom connector | Mechanical connector used to couple two telecom cable endpoints or to connect a telecom cable endpoint to a telecom equipment port. This class is a supertype of optical fiber connector and copper cable connector. |
2.3.65 | RTC_OT_TLAYINF | Telecom laying infrastructure | This class collects all the objects related to laying infrastructure aimed to support or contain cables. |
2.3.66 | RTC_OT_TLAYINFZONE | Telecom laying infrastructure zone | Space that is reserved for laying telecom cables. |
2.3.67 | RTC_OT_TO | Telecom outlet | Telecom plug allowing telephone or network access. |
2.3.68 | RTC_OT_TEL | Telephone | A terminal device that realizes bidirectional voice communication by means of electrical signals. |
2.3.69 | RTC_OT_TVM | Ticket vending machine | A self-service device with functions of choosing ticket, payment and ticket making etc. With this device, passengers can buy and collect tickets themselves. Ticket vending machine shall provide a stable, reliable, friendly self-service environment for passengers to purchase or collect tickets conveniently and effectively. |
2.3.70 | RTC_OT_TOW | Tower | Metallic framed structure used to hold antennas or cables. |
2.3.71 | RTC_OT_TSTEX | Trackside telephony exchange | A device that ensures the routing of trackside telephone calls and communications. |
2.3.72 | RTC_OT_TRMD | Transceiver module | A device that can convert electric signal to optical signal at the sender, and convert optical signal to electric signal at the receiver. |
2.3.73 | RTC_OT_TRANS | Transport equipment | Generic transport equipment can represent all kind of transport equipmen, which provides transmission channel for telecom subsystems or other subsystems. |
2.3.74 | RTC_OT_TUB | Tube | Plastic or metallic tubes that contain cables. |
2.3.75 | RTC_OT_WP | Wire pair | A pair of conductors contained in a copper cable, the pair is always used together to form a circuit to transmit data by means of electric signals. |
2.3.76 | RTC_OT_WPEP | Wire pair endpoint | The termination point of a wire pair. Each wire pair has two termination points. |
2.3.77 | RTC_OT_WCPORT | Wired communication port | Port of a telecom active equipment, used for wired connection. |
2.4 | ENERGY |
2.4.1 | REN_OT_EN-10102021 | AC control panel | According to different electrical equipment and different power consumption, the AC power distribution panel generally controls the distribution cabinet by a branch switch consisting of a voltmeter, an ammeter, a switch (or an automatic switch), an insurancea signal light, and aline. |
2.4.2 | REN_OT_EN-1010203020 | Actuator | The part of the actuating system to which an external actuating force is applied which used for operating the switches.(IEC 60050-441-15-22) |
2.4.3 | REN_OT_EN-1010101086 | Anchoring bar | Used to connect stay from pole to the foundation. |
2.4.4 | REN_OT_EN-1010431 | Anti trespassing guard | Equipment provided to deter entry to a restricted area, structure or building by an unauthorized person. |
2.4.5 | REN_OT_EN-1010426 | Anti-Fall device | Protection against operator falling. |
2.4.6 | REN_OT_EN-1010427 | AntiClimbing | Protection against climbing. |
2.4.7 | REN_OT_EN-10102026 | Automaton | Self-acting artificial system the behaviour of which is governed either in a stepwise mannerby given decision rules or continuously in time by defined relationships, while the output variables of which are created from its input and state variables.(IEC 60050-351-42-32) |
2.4.8 | REN_OT_EN-101020432 | Autotransformer | A transformer in which at least two windings have a common part (IEC 60050-811-26-03;60050-421-01-11) |
2.4.9 | REN_OT_EN-1010207011 | Auxiliary electric cabinet | Cabnet for different lowvoltage services (signalingtelecom..) |
2.4.10 | REN_OT_EN-10102070 | Auxiliary services | Provide Energy port for different lowvoltage services (signaling, telecom..) |
2.4.11 | REN_OT_EN-101020433 | Auxiliary transformer | In a substation, a transformer intended to provide supply to the auxiliary equipment (IEC60050-605-02-46) |
2.4.12 | REN_OT_EN-1010101060 | Balance weight tensioner | Automatic tensioner attached to a mast to ensure constant tension in conductors by means of balance weights.(UIC R 791-2006) |
2.4.13 | REN_OT_EN-1010205010 | Battery | One or more cells fitted with devices necessary for use, for example case, terminals, marking and protective devices. (IEC 60050-482-01-04) |
2.4.14 | REN_OT_EN-1010207010 | Battery charger | Equipment used to charge the battery, which is storaging electric energy for substation. |
2.4.15 | REN_OT_EN-1010101038 | Bearer Structure | Insure the function of holding registration component in tunnel context. |
2.4.16 | REN_OT_EN-1010430 | Bird protection | Avoid a sitting down of the birds at electrically critical points of the catenary system. Thus the birds are protected against electrical shocks and disturbances by short circuit are avoided. |
2.4.17 | REN_OT_EN-101020431 | Booster transformer | A transformer of which one winding is intended to be connected in series with a circuit in order to alter its voltage and the other winding is an energizing winding (IEC 60050-811-26-0560050-421-01-12) |
2.4.18 | REN_OT_EN-10106040 | Boosting cable | Cable used to connect between rail and return line. |
2.4.19 | REN_OT_EN-101023 | Box type substation | Pre build substation. |
2.4.20 | REN_OT_EN-10103013 | BusBar | A low impedance conductor to which several electric circuits can be separately connected.(IEC 60050-605-02-01) |
2.4.21 | REN_OT_EN-10103012 | Cable | Assembly consisting of:
(IEC 60050-461-06-01) |
2.4.22 | REN_OT_EN-10105021 | Cable Chamber | An opening to a confined space such as a shaft, utility vault, or large vessel, used as an access point for underground cable, allowing inspection, maintenance and system upgrades. It's also called a manhole. |
2.4.23 | REN_OT_EN-10105022 | Cable Gantry | Horizontal cable supports fixed at one end only, spaced at intervals, on which cables rest.(IEC 60050-826-15-10) |
2.4.24 | REN_OT_EN-10105020 | Cable Sheathing | Flexible accessory or a part of a component placed around the cable to minimize flexing of the cable at the point of entry into the component. |
2.4.25 | REN_OT_EN-1010101040 | Cantilever assembly | Assembly of components attached to the main support structure that supports and registers the overhead contact line.(CENELEC - EN50119) Support consisting of one or more transverse members projecting from a mast orstructure.(IEC 60050-811-33-30/UIC R 791-2006) |
2.4.26 | REN_OT_EN-1010205011 | Capacitor | Assembly of one or more capacitor elements assembled in the same housing with lead terminals. |
2.4.27 | REN_OT_EN-1010101090 | Catenary system | The longitudinal wire that supports the contact wire, including catenary wire dropper and stich wire. |
2.4.28 | REN_OT_EN-1010101053 | Catenary wire | Longtitudinal wire supporting the grooved contact wires either directly or indirectly.(IEC60050-811-33-06/UIC R 791-2006) |
2.4.29 | REN_OT_EN-101020424 | Combined transformer | An instrument transformer consisting of a current and a voltage transformer in the same case(IEC 60050-321-01-03) |
2.4.30 | REN_OT_EN-1010418 | Common protecting facility | Basic protection against electric shock. |
2.4.31 | REN_OT_EN-10102027 | Common supplying | Power distribution facilities for low-voltage equipments or auxillary equipments. |
2.4.32 | REN_OT_EN-1010206030 | Compensator equipment | A device that is used to 'fix' the parameter of electric energy, such as voltage loss, power factor and so on. |
2.4.33 | REN_OT_EN-1010101052 | Contact wire | Electric conductor of an OCL with which the current collectors make contact. Carries the electricity which is supplied to the train by its pantograph. (IEC 60050-811-33-15/UIC R 791-2006) |
2.4.34 | REN_OT_EN-1010101036 | Cross beam | Rigid cross span structures consist of bending resistant beams which are fixed onto the structures either by hinges or by bending resistant joints.(EN 50119) Support consisting of a transverse beam and masts situated on either side of tracks.(IEC60050-811-33-38/UIC R 791-2006) |
2.4.35 | REN_OT_EN-10106079 | Cross bond | Electrical connection intended to connect in parallel the conductors of the return circuit. |
2.4.36 | REN_OT_EN-101020421 | Current transformer | An instrument transformer in which the secondary current, in normal conditions of use, is substantially proportional to the primary current and differs in phase from it by an angle which is approximately zero for an appropriate direction of the connections.(IEC 60050-321-02-01) |
2.4.37 | REN_OT_EN-10102022 | DC control panel | A cabinet that distributes and outputs DC power. The complex power distribution panel also configures the battery pack and monitoring unit. |
2.4.38 | REN_OT_EN-101020434 | Decoupler transformer | Phase separation transformer. |
2.4.39 | REN_OT_EN-1010101057 | Dropper | Component used to suspend a registration, an auxiliary catenary or a contact wire from a head-span or a longitudinal catenary wire.(IEC 60050-811-33-22/UIC R 791-2006) |
2.4.40 | REN_OT_EN-10106074 | Earth | Part of the Earth which is in electric contact with an earth electrode and the electric potential of which is not necessarily equal to zero.(IEC 60050-195-01-03) |
2.4.41 | REN_OT_EN-10106072 | Earth Electrode | Conductive part, which may be embedded in a specific conductive medium, e.g. concrete or coke, in electric contact with the Earth.(Grounding rod)(IEC 60050-826-13-05) |
2.4.42 | REN_OT_EN-10106076 | Earth Grid | Part of an earthing arrangement comprising only the earth electrodes and their interconnections.(IEC 60050-826-13-06) |
2.4.43 | REN_OT_EN-10106070 | Earthing circuit | All conductors which form the intended path for the earthing. |
2.4.44 | REN_OT_EN-10106071 | Earthing conductor | Conductor which provides a conductive path, or part of the conductive path, between a given point in a system or in an installation or in equipment and an earth electrode. |
2.4.45 | REN_OT_EN-10106073 | Earthing terminal | Grounding terminal provided on equipment or on a device and intended for the electric connection with the earthing arrangement. |
2.4.46 | REN_OT_EN-10105019 | Electric Gutter | Electrical conduit used to protect and route electrical wiring in a building or structure. |
2.4.47 | REN_OT_EN-1010207012 | Electric distribution board | Electric distribution board used to dispatch electric power. |
2.4.48 | REN_OT_EN-101020410 | Electric power converter | An electrical or electro-mechanical device for converting electric energy from one form to another such as converting between AC and DC; or changing the voltage or frequency; or some combination of these. |
2.4.49 | REN_OT_EN-10102050 | Electric storage device | A Device that stores electric energy. |
2.4.50 | REN_OT_EN-1010101058 | Electrical conductor | A wire or combination of wires not insulated from one another, suitable for carrying an electric current.(IEC 60050-466-01-15) |
2.4.51 | REN_OT_EN-101030 | Electrical connector | Permanent and switched electrical connections are used in the overhead contact line system to provide electrical current transfer. |
2.4.52 | REN_OT_EN-1010101025 | Elementary sector | Smaller catenary element that can be isolated from the elements supervisors by one or more interruption devices. |
2.4.53 | REN_OT_EN-1010203034 | Emergency switch off | Opening operation of a switching device intended to remove electric power from an electrical installation to avert or alleviate a hazardous situation. (IEC 60050-826-17-03) |
2.4.54 | REN_OT_EN-10102040 | Energy conversion device | Electric energy converting device to change the parameter of electrical energy, such as voltage, frequency, and so on. |
2.4.55 | REN_OT_EN-1010428 | Environnemental protection | Equipement and system dedicated to environnement protection. |
2.4.56 | REN_OT_EN-1010101064 | Feeder line | In traction power system, overhead conductors besides overhead contact line include feeder line, reinforcing feeder, return line, positive feeder, protective wire, lightning protective wire, earth wire and so on. |
2.4.57 | REN_OT_EN-1010101065 | Feeder wire | Electrical connection between the contact line and sub-station or the switch station.(IEC60050-811-36-08/UIC R 791-2006) |
2.4.58 | REN_OT_EN-1010101023 | Feeding section | Electric section of the routed fed by individual track feeder circuit-breakers within the area supplied by one or more substation.(IEC 60050-811-36-25) |
2.4.59 | REN_OT_EN-1010206010 | Filters | Linear two-port device designed to transmit spectral components of the input quantity according to a specified law, generally in order to pass the components in certain frequency bands and to attenuate those in other bands (IEC - 151-13-55) |
2.4.60 | REN_OT_EN-1010203035 | Fuse disconnector | A disconnector in which one or more poles have a fuse in series in a composite unit. (IEC60050-441-14-15) |
2.4.61 | REN_OT_EN-10106075 | Ground Bus | Grounding grid consisting of horizontal grounding bodies. |
2.4.62 | REN_OT_EN-10106077 | Ground Module | Grounding Composed of nonmetallic minerals with good conductivity and stability. |
2.4.63 | REN_OT_EN-1010420 | Guard pile | Pile or barrier provided for mechanical protection. |
2.4.64 | REN_OT_EN-1010206032 | High voltage booster (HVB) | Range extender for increasing the voltage supplied so that the spply distance could be extended. |
2.4.65 | REN_OT_EN-10102028 | Human computer interaction terminal | Panel or interface for engineers to control the equipment. |
2.4.66 | REN_OT_EN-1010101062 | Hydraulics tensioner | Automatic tensioner attached to a mast to ensure constant tension in conductors by means of Hydraulics. |
2.4.67 | REN_OT_EN-1010205012 | Inductor | Electrical appliances used in circuits or power systems due to their inductance.(IEC 60050-811-26-19) |
2.4.68 | REN_OT_EN-101020420 | Instrument transformer | A transformer intended to transmit an information signal to measuring instruments, meters and protective or control devices.(IEC 60050-321-01-01) |
2.4.69 | REN_OT_EN-10103014 | Insulated cables | Common insulated cable |
2.4.70 | REN_OT_EN-1010101083 | Insulator | Device intended for electrical insulation and mechanical fixing of equipment or conductors which are subject to electric potential differences.(IEC 60050-471-01-10) |
2.4.71 | REN_OT_EN-10102029 | Interlocking device | A device which makes the operation of a switching device dependent upon the position oroperation of one or more other pieces of equipment. (IEC 60050-441-16-49) Equipment for interdependent liaison between the control levers or the electric control circuits of different apparatus such as points and signals, which makes it impossible to place them in positions which are unsafe. |
2.4.72 | REN_OT_EN-1010423 | Level crossing protection | Equipment dedicated to level crossing protection. |
2.4.73 | REN_OT_EN-1010415 | Lightning arrester | Surge arrestor: Device intended to protect the electrical apparatus from high transient overvoltage and to limit the duration and amplitude of the follow-on current.(UIC R 791-2006) |
2.4.74 | REN_OT_EN-1010101085 | Mooring system | Mooring equipement for overheadline. |
2.4.75 | REN_OT_EN-1010101072 | Natural section insulator | Neutral sections are required as phase separations with a neutral gap, when individual feeder sections are connected to different phases of the national electricity supply grid. |
2.4.76 | REN_OT_EN-1010101022 | Neutral section | Section of a contact line provided with a sectioning at each end to prevent successive electrical sections differing in voltage, phase or frequency being connected together by the passege of current collectors. A length of electrically isolated or non-conducting material incorporated into the contact wire to completely separate electrical sections of OLE. It may take the form of a short insertion in the contact wire or that of an extended overlap.(IEC60050-811-36-16) |
2.4.77 | REN_OT_EN-10103010 | Non insulated conductor | A wire or combination of wires not insulated from one another, suitable for carrying an electric current.(IEC 60050-466-01-15) |
2.4.78 | REN_OT_EN-1010101039 | OCS Suspension | The group which used to support directly contactline, feeder or earthwire, contains all the parts installed between supports and conductors (including insulators). |
2.4.79 | REN_OT_EN-1010101086-1 | OCS fastening | Fastening device that mechanically joins or affixes two or more objects together for OCS equipment. |
2.4.80 | REN_OT_EN-1010101073 | OCS fitting | Clamps and fittings provide the mechanical and structural connection of components and provide electrical connections in contact line systems and within cross-span structures. They have to withstand both operating currents and short-circuit current loads in the energised part of the overhead contact line system. In addition to the mechanical stresses, short-circuit current loads occur in the passive part of the overhead contact line system, at rigid and flexible terminations and also in cross-span equipment. |
2.4.81 | REN_OT_EN-1010101031 | OCS foundation | Construction, usually of concrete or steel, completely or partly buried in the ground on which the support is mounted. The foundation must provide stability to all loads borne by the support.(UIC R 791-2006) |
2.4.82 | REN_OT_EN-1010101032 | OCS supporting elements | Parts which support the conductors and the associated insulators of an OCL.(UIC R 791-2006/IEC 60050-811-33-19) |
2.4.83 | REN_OT_EN-1010101030 | OCS supporting system | Include foundation, supporting elements and suspension. |
2.4.84 | REN_OT_EN-1010429 | Oil retention tray | Retention tray for environnemental protection against oil. |
2.4.85 | REN_OT_EN-1010101051 | Overhead contact line | Contact line placed above the upper limit of the vehicle gauge and supplying vehicles with electrical energy through pantographs.(UIC R 791-2006) |
2.4.86 | REN_OT_EN-10101010 | Overhead contact line system | Contact line above the upper limit of the train using an overhead contact line to supply current for use by traction units. |
2.4.87 | REN_OT_EN-101014 | Overhead line | An electric line whose conductors are supported above ground, generally by means of insulators and appropriate supports.(IEC 60050-466-01-02) Note - Certain overhead lines may also be constructed with insulated conductors. |
2.4.88 | REN_OT_EN-1010101034 | Pole | Vertical support in solid wood, concrete or steel, or of steel lattice construction, with one end planted in the ground at the side of the track, either directly or through a separate base or foundation(IEC 60050-811-33-20) A main vertical support construction with one end embedded in the ground adjacent to the track, tensioning and registion of the OCL. (UIC R 791-2006) |
2.4.89 | REN_OT_EN-10102010 | Power control system | Control the entire network and manage protection control and auxiliaries services of traction power system. |
2.4.90 | REN_OT_EN-101020 | Power supply system | To supply electric traction system from high voltage. |
2.4.91 | REN_OT_EN-101020430 | Power transformer | A static piece of apparatus with two or more windings which, by electromagnetic induction, transforms a system of alternating voltage and current into another system of voltage and current usually of different values and at the same frequency for the purpose of transmitting electrical power (IEC 60050-811-26-01) |
2.4.92 | REN_OT_EN-1010419 | Profile gate | Profile gate. |
2.4.93 | REN_OT_EN-101040 | Protection element | Protection against electric shock for people and equipments. |
2.4.94 | REN_OT_EN-1010421 | Protective barrier | Part providing protection against direct contact from any usual direction of access.(IEC60050-195-06-15) |
2.4.95 | REN_OT_EN-1010424 | Protective boarding | Non-conducting barrier to protect persons from coming into direct contact with the live conductor rail. |
2.4.96 | REN_OT_EN-1010422 | Protective canope | Conductive screen used to separate an electric circuit and/or conductors from hazardouslive-parts. |
2.4.97 | REN_OT_EN-1010425 | Protective obstacle | Part preventing unintentional direct contact, but not preventing direct contact by deliberate action.(IEC 60050-195-06-16) |
2.4.98 | REN_OT_EN-10106050 | Rail joint bond | Conductor ensuring the electrical continuity of rails at a joint.(UIC R 791-2006/IEC 60050-811-35-07) |
2.4.99 | REN_OT_EN-10102060 | Regulating devices | A device that is used to reguate electric energy. |
2.4.100 | REN_OT_EN-10106060 | Return busbar | Busbar in return current circuit. |
2.4.101 | REN_OT_EN-10106030 | Return cable | Insulated return conductor forming part of the return circuit and connecting the rest of the return circuit of the sub-station.(UIC R 791-2006) |
2.4.102 | REN_OT_EN-10106010 | Return circuit | The electric circuit comprising the running rails or a return current rail, their electrical connections and the return cables to the sub-station.(UIC R 791-2006) All conductors which form the intended path for the traction return current and the current under fault conditions Note 1 to entry: The conductors can be for example:
(IEC 60050-811-35-01) |
2.4.103 | REN_OT_EN-10106020 | Return conductor | Conductor paralleling the track return and connected to the running rails at periodic intercals.(IEC 60050-811-35-13) |
2.4.104 | REN_OT_EN-1010101043 | Rigid support | Method of attaching an overhead contact line rigidly to its supports.(IEC 60050-811-33-32/UIC R 791-2006) |
2.4.105 | REN_OT_EN-1010206020 | Ripple control | The remote control of a switch by electrical impulses. |
2.4.106 | REN_OT_EN-1010101071 | Section insulator | Sectioning point formed by insulators inserted in a continuous run of a contact line, with skids or similar devices to maintain continuous electrical contact with the current collector.(IEC60050-811-36-15) |
2.4.107 | REN_OT_EN-1010101070 | Sectioning device | The division of the contact line into electrical sections, each of which may be isolated from the adjacent sections e.g. by means of a switch.(UIC R 791-2006) |
2.4.108 | REN_OT_EN-1010101026 | Sector | A section of supply zone which can be energized by closing a feeder circuit breaker at the substation. |
2.4.109 | REN_OT_EN-10105015 | Sign and signal | Authorised sign that conveys, to vehicular and pedestrian traffic, a prohibition, restriction, requirement or warning or information. |
2.4.110 | REN_OT_EN-10103014-1 | Solid conductor | A conductor consisting of a single wire.(IEC 60050-466-10-01) |
2.4.111 | REN_OT_EN-1010101020 | Span | 1. Overhead contact line from one support or suspension point to the next.(IEC 60050-811-33-40) 2. The part of a line between two consecutive points of support of a conductor.(IEC 60050-466-03-01) |
2.4.112 | REN_OT_EN-1010412 | Spark gap | Device used to connect a circuit to earth in the event of a fault in live circuits.(UIC R 791-2006) |
2.4.113 | REN_OT_EN-1010101061 | Spring tensioner | Automatic tensioner attached to a mast to ensure constant tension in conductors or in crossspan registration cables by means of springs.(UIC R 791-2006) |
2.4.114 | REN_OT_EN-1010203033 | Start and stop equipment | Switch for alternatively closing and opening one or more electric circuits.(IEC 60050-151-12-23) |
2.4.115 | REN_OT_EN-1010101033 | Stay | Rod, wire or cable, with a tensioner, to anchor a mast or a cantilever (IEC 60050-811-33-47/UIC R 791-2006)(tieguy) |
2.4.116 | REN_OT_EN-1010101056 | Stitch wire | The auxiliary wire used in stitched suspension.(IEC 60050-811-33-18/UIC R 791-2006) |
2.4.117 | REN_OT_EN-10103011 | Stranded conductor | A conductor consisting of a number of individual uninsulated wires laid up together in alternating left-hand and right-hand helical layers.(IEC 60050-466-10-03) |
2.4.118 | REN_OT_EN-101021 | Substation | Substation the main function of which is to supply an electric traction system.(IEC 60050-811-36-02) |
2.4.119 | REN_OT_EN-10102020 | Substation control equipment | Equipment used to control operational equipment at a distance using the transmission of information by telecommunication techniques. (IEC 60050-371-01-01) |
2.4.120 | REN_OT_EN-1010101035 | Suffix post | Insure the function of holding registration component in specific condition like tunnel or underbridge. |
2.4.121 | REN_OT_EN-1010101042 | Support bracket | A device designed to carry, through insulators(or no), a set of conductors of overhead line. |
2.4.122 | REN_OT_EN-1010203024 | Switch | Switch for alternatively closing and opening one or more electric circuits (IEC60050-151-12-23) |
2.4.123 | REN_OT_EN-1010203010 | Switch cabinet | In addition to the incoming and outgoing lines, the switchgear is completely enclosed by a grounded metal casing. Switch cabinets/switchgear contain sensitive electrical, electronic and mechanical components to perform control, drive, power supply and safety functions. As a rule, these components are of high quality. Switch cabinets consist of the cabinet housing and door and the interior components (e.g.mounting plates), which generally take the form of drawer units or are mounted on a panel. |
2.4.124 | REN_OT_EN-10105010 | Technical Building | Building on track side dedicated to railways operation. |
2.4.125 | REN_OT_EN-10102025 | Telecom cabinet | Cabinet containing the telecommunication equipment. |
2.4.126 | REN_OT_EN-10102023 | Telecommand | A system sending command to control and monitor the switches and circuit breakers or systems not directly connected (e.g. via wires) within the traction power system remotly. |
2.4.127 | REN_OT_EN-1010101010 | Tensioning section | Length of the overhead contact line between two terminating points.(IEC 60050-811-33-61) |
2.4.128 | REN_OT_EN-101022 | Traction post | Power Supply system |
2.4.129 | REN_OT_EN-1010 | Traction power system | Railway electrical distribution network used to provide energy for rolling stock. (IEC 60050-811-36-21/CENELEC - EN 50122-1) Note 1 to entry: The system includes
2.4.130 | REN_OT_EN-10102030 | Traction switching equipement | Switching equipment used for traction power, which is usually composed by switch(s), cabinet (might be), instrument tranformer (might be), and other auxillary equipments. |
2.4.131 | REN_OT_EN-101020435 | Traction transformer | A stationary device with two or more windings, in order to transmit electrical energy, converts the AC voltage and current of one system to the AC voltage and current of another system at the same frequency by electromagnetic induction.(GB 1094IEC 60076) Electric energy converter without moving parts that changes voltages and currents associated with electric energy without change of frequency.(IEC 60050) |
2.4.132 | REN_OT_EN-1010206031 | Unbalancing compensator | A device that is used to correct voltage umbalance in the system. |
2.4.133 | REN_OT_EN-10105018 | Underground facility | Cables and other facilities needed to connect OCS to substation and to low voltage services. |
2.4.134 | REN_OT_EN-10102024 | Unitary control element | A unitary control element combines a number of control components into a single product, such as a thermostat or humidistat. A unitary control element provides a housing for an aggregation of control or electrical distribution elements that, in combination, perform a singular (unitary) purpose. Each item in the aggregation may have its own geometric representation and location. (IFC4) |
2.4.135 | REN_OT_EN-1010410 | Varistor | Resistor the resistance of which is strongly varying with the applied voltage.(IEC 60050-151-13-23) |
2.4.136 | REN_OT_EN-1010413 | Voltage limiter | Over voltage protection facilities. |
2.4.137 | REN_OT_EN-101020422 | Voltage transformer | An instrument transformer in which the secondary voltage, in normal conditions of use, is substantially proportional to the primary voltage and differs in phase from it by an angle which is approximately zero for an appropriate direction of the connections.(IEC 60050-321-03-01) |
2.4.138 | REN_OT_EN-101020423 | Voltmetric relay | A relay device used to observe the voltage level and disconnect the circuit from the supply if any variations are occurs from the standard range. |
2.4.139 | REN_OT_EN-10106078 | Structure earth | Construction made of metallic parts or construction including interconnected metallic structural parts, which can be used as an earth electrode. |
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IFC Ontology |