Creating an attribute group
It is assumed that you have logged in, acquired the AIMS Administrator defered rights and created a classification. If not, please view the post on creating a classification before you continue.
Attribute Groups
- Step 1
Click on the Data Dictionary / Attribute Groups menu item
- Step 2
- Locate and click the blue plus (+) to the right above the header line to enter the New Attribute Group entry form
- Step 3
- Populate the required Name field and any optional other details as required
- Step 4
- Locate and click the blue plus (+) to the right of the Attributes section
- Step 5
- Populate the required Name field and any optional other details as required
- Step 6
- Before we hit the save button we can assign the attributes to a class by selecting the Assign all attributes to asset classes button at the bottom of the page
- Step 7
- Locate and click the blue plus (+) to the right of the Asset Classes section. Use the filter options to locate the class by selecting the check box and hit the
button at the top of the page
- Step 8
- Locate the OK button on the header to confirm the changes